China Team

Cunxian Jia
Cun-Xian Jia, Ph.D., works as a professor in Epidemiology and Health Statistics in the School of Public Health, Shandong University. He is now vice-directors of the Department of Epidemiology and Shandong University Center for Suicide Prevention Research (CSPR). He is interested in studies on risk factors of non-communicable diseases and injury epidemiology in which risk factors related to suicidal behaviours are his focus on the research area. He has published almost 50 SCI/SSCI papers in these areas. He is also a member of the youth committee of Branch of Epidemiology of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Vice-director Committee Member of Branch of Crisis Intervention of Chinese Mental Health Association.

Shengli Cheng
Dr. Sheng-Li Cheng is a professor of the Department of Social Work, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University, Chairman of The Family Social Work Professional Committee, Chinese Association of Social Work Education. Dr. Cheng has been a visiting scholar of University of California (Berkeley) and University of British Columbia for one year respectively and lectured in social work schools in Canada and Sweden for many times. Dr. Cheng’s research areas include poverty and anti-poverty social policies, international comparison of social service policies, mental health of college students, and family social work. He has published 3 monographs and translated books, and more than 40 academic papers, including 12 English papers.

Jianguo Gao
Dr. GAO Jianguo, Professor of the Department of Social Work at Shandong University, China. His main research interests include social welfare theories, comparative welfare policies, community development, and social service evaluation. He once worked as a CCSEP Visiting Scholar in School of Social Work at the University of Toronto, Canada (2007), a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the Department of Sociology at University of California, Riverside, USA (2003-04), and a CCSEP Visiting Scholar in School of Community and Regional Planning at University of British Columbia, Canada (1996-97). He is a member of the scientific advisory committee of China Social Work Academy, a council member of China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, and president of the Social Worker Association of Shandong Province.

Jingxuan Zhang
Jingxuan Zhang,  director of the Department of Psychology and Chief Physician of Shandong Mental Health Center. He graduated from Shandong University with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in medicine, and a master’s degree in management from Missouri State University. He is currently the leader of the key disciplines of mental health in Shandong Province, the 4th-7th member of the Psychiatry Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the member of the Mental Health Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, the deputy director of the Psychiatry Branch of the Shandong Medical Association, and the Shandong Medical Association. He is also the vice-chairman of the Psychosomatic Medicine Branch, vice-chairman of the Psychiatrist Branch of Shandong Medical Association, standing committee member and deputy secretary-general of Shandong Mental Health Association. He is the chairman of the Professional Committee of Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy of Shandong Mental Health Association, deputy editor-in-chief of “Journal of Psychiatry”, editorial board member of “Chinese Journal of Mental Health”. He has published more than 100 papers. His main research focus areas are clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy. He has successively received continuous training programs such as Sino-German Family Therapy, Sino-German Psychoanalysis, Sino-American Psychoanalysis, Sino-American Cognitive Therapy, International Hypnotherapy, and Sino-Canada ACT. In the China-Canada Linking Hearts project, he is responsible for the organization and coordination of mental health professionals.

Shaoyi Wu
Shaoyi Wu is a professor and postgraduate supervisor of Shandong University; registered supervisor of the Chinese Psychological Society (D-21-049); supervisor (first group) of the Chinese Association for Mental Health (XXD-2020-091); EMDR supervisor (trauma treatment); hypnosis therapist, and Gestalt therapist. She has been engaged in psychological counseling and research for 25 years, with the focus on adolescent mental health education, psychological counseling, and group counseling. Her publications: Mental Health Education for College Students, Group Counseling and Training for College Students, Personality Education for College Students, and a series of articles. She has been in charge of a number of national and provincial research projects, and has been rewarded the Advanced Individual, Heroic Woman, and many other honorary titles by the Ministry of Education, the All-China Women’s Federation, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Wu Shaoyi is currently member of the National Psychoanalysis Professional Committee; member of the Traumatology Group; member of the Couples Therapy Group; executive director of the professional committee (psychological counseling for college students) of the Chinese Association for Mental Health; executive director of the Shandong Provincial Mental Health Association; deputy chairman of the professional committee (psychological counseling and psychotherapy) of the Shandong Provincial Mental Health Association; deputy chairman of the professional committee (psychoanalysis) of the Shandong Provincial Mental Health Association; chairman of the professional committee (student mental health education and consulting) of the Shandong Provincial Mental Health Association, and chief expert of the Jinan Student Mental Health Education Guidance Center.

Xiaofeng Cong
Dr. Xiaofeng Cong (team head of the University of Jinan in Linking Hearts project) is a professor at the School of Political Science and Law, University of Jinan. His research fields include social work, community governance, and social justice, with a particular interest in promoting community rehabilitation and social support for disadvantaged groups. Professor Cong has established an extensive scientific research network in Social Work, Sociology and Social Law at home and abroad. His excellent professional expertise and scientific research ability enable him to analyze the mental health issues of Chinese college students from a sociology perspective and study the intervention measures to improve the mental health level of College Students from the perspective of social work.

Lizeng Zhang
Lizeng Zhang, M.A.(Psychology), Ph.D.(Philosophy), Associate Professor at the Philosophy Department, Shandong Normal University. Committed to the teaching, research and practice both of psychological counseling and therapy and Philosophical counseling, especially in the field of adolescent mental health. Supervised M.A. students who majored in both West philosophy and Psychological counseling and therapy. Visiting scholar at City College of New York, Membership of APPA (American Philosophical Practitioners Association) and APPA Certificate. Heading one National Project: The Theory and Practice of Chinese Philosophy in Philosophical Counseling, 2020-2024, founded by The National Social Science Funding of China, project number: 20BZX099. Head of The Philosophical Counseling Research and Practice Center.

Yuxiang Wang
Dr. Yuxiang Wang is a professor and dean of the College of Politics and Public Administration, Shandong Youth University of Political Science. Dr. Wang is an expert enjoying the special government allowance of The State Council, vice chairman of the School and Youth Social Work Professional Committee of China Association for Social Work Education, and a leading talent in national professional social work. Dr. Wang’s research program focuses on youth policy, youth culture and youth social work. Responsible for the implementation of the Linking Hearts project in the Shandong Youth University of Political Science and the promotion of integrated knowledge transfer research. 

Leilei Wang
​​Leilei Wang is a professor at Shandong Women’s University. Her research focuses are women’s education, gender theory, family education, and family therapy. Her academic research results in the fields of women’s studies and its discipline construction, marriage and family have generated certain social repercussions in China. She is committed to promoting gender equality. As the deputy secretary-general of the Women’s Work Professional Committee of the China Social Work Education Association, Professor Wang uses social work knowledge and professional techniques to provide professional services for disadvantaged women. She also built a number of provincial teaching and research platforms. She presided over several cooperative projects of the National Social Science Fund and the National Natural Science Foundation of China and published more than 40 papers, many of which were reprinted, excerpted, and archived by leading journals and mainstream newspaper outlets. 

Min Zuo
Min Zuo, professor of Shandong Jianzhu University School of Law, associate dean, master student’s advisor, and supervisor of the social work faculty. She graduated with a Bachelor of Economics and Business from China University of Mining and Technology, and a Master and Ph.D. from China University of Mining and Technology. She is also a member of the Shandong Provincial Social Work Expert Database, a professional supervisor of social work in Jinan City, an expert consultant of the Social Construction Committee of the 17th People’s Congress of Jinan City, and one of the founders and standing consultants of Jinan Jianda Social Work Service Center. Research fields: management of social service organizations, voluntary organizations and community empowerment, etc. She focuses on the development of social organizations and innovation in governance, and conduct theoretical and practical research on enhancing community building, promoting the management and service level of social service organizations, and improving the ability of various organizations to undertake social responsibilities; as a professional supervisor of social work, she guides dozens of funded projects by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and jointly initiated the establishment of the first grassroots social work station in Shandong Province dedicated to community building. In recent years, she has presided over more than ten provincial and ministerial-level projects and more than 20 academic papers. She has achieved more than ten awards at the bureau level or above.

Miao Yu
Dr. Yu Miao (Coordinator of the Linking Hearts Project Implementation Team) is an associate professor and master students’ advisor of the Department of Social Work, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University. She graduated from the Department of Social Work of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her main research fields are youth with disabilities, identity, and qualitative research. She has been concerned with disability issues since the doctoral stage. She has published in Children and Youth Services Review, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, Youth Research, Youth Exploration and other journals. She also presided over the Shandong Provincial Social Science Project, the Shandong University Teaching Reform Project, etc. In her future research work, she will continue to deepen her research in the field of disability, especially her innovative research on the identity and subjectivity construction of disabled youth, and at the same time expand her exploration of disability research to a broader level. On the other hand, in combination with the research projects she presides and participates in, she expands her research horizons, and in combination with her part-time social service work, she actively develops social services and integrates research and practice more closely.

Xinting Wang
Dr. Xinting Wang is a professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the School of Public Health at Shandong University. Her main research field focuses on injury epidemiology. On the basis of the social-psychological-biomedical model, the goal of her research is to describe the distribution of various injuries, explore risk factors of injuries and evaluate the effects of injury intervention strategies and measures.

Guoxiao Sun
Dr. Sun Guoxiao (coordinator of the DCA cluster of the CN Linking Hearts Team) is an associate professor at the School of Physical Education of Shandong University. She graduated from the School of Psychology of Beijing Sport University with a Ph.D., focusing on sports psychology. Her research interests include: sports intervention for mental health problems such as addiction to online games and depression in college students; attention control problems for high-level athletes participating in major competitions. Her research experience enables her to analyze college students’ mental health issues from a multidisciplinary perspective, and she is one of the key members of this project’s data collection and analysis.

Baopeng Liu
Dr. Bao-Peng Liu is a post-doctor at Shandong University, School of public health. The major of Dr. Bao-Peng Liu is epidemiology and health statistics of suicide and mental health. Many articles have been published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, Nutrients, Psychiatry Research et al . He is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China and Shandong, which are focusing on suicide in rural China.

Project Team Members :

Jinan University
Jinhua Shao – Lecturer

Shandong Women’s University
Jingmin Zhang – Associate Professor
Xiao Luan – Lecturer
Yanchang Yang – Lecturer
Jun Meng – Lecturer

Shandong Provincial Institute of Education Science
Mingxiang Xu – Lecturer

Shandong Jianzhu University
Jing Zhao – Associate Professor
Xiao Sang – Lecturer
Qingqiang Zhang – Lecturer

Shandong Youth University of Political Science Office of Student Affairs
Qingpin Sun – Professor

Shandong Normal University
Zhenguang Hu – Associate Professor
Nian Ji – Lecturer

Shandong University Student Counseling Center
Rui Fan – Professor
Xiaomei Xu – Associate Professor

Shandong Youth University of Political Science
College of Politics and Public Administration

Junyan Wang – Associate Professor
Qing Zhang – Associate Professor
Fengjie Yu – Associate Professor

Shandong Mental Health Center
Xiaoqing Cheng – Physician

Shandong University School of Philosophy and Social Development
Mingming Li – Postgraduate
Xinyang Zhou – Postgraduate
Han Kong – Postgraduate
Yuxin Jia – Postgraduate
Qian Liu – Postgraduate
Xiaoyan Zhu – Postgraduate
Xiaoqiong Jia – Postgraduate
Guangping Wang – Postgraduate

Shandong University School of Public Health
Zhiying Yao – Postgraduate


Jinan University Xiaojie Gong – Professor
Jinan University Sujie Li – Lecturer
Shandong Jianzhu University Xiuyan Zhou – Associate Professor