ACE-LYNX Intervention
The ACE-LYNX intervention consists of three key components:
Component 1: MH101 (4 online self-study modules on mental health) Mental Health 101 is an on-line mental health literacy resource with four 1-hour learning modules. It is hosted on a Learning Management System, with foci on the social determinants of youth mental health, integrated pathways to mental health care, and mental disorders and treatment modalities.
Component 2: Faciliated Training with 6 modules and suggested to be conducted over 3 days
Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性
Applied Acceptance and Commitment to Empowerment (ACE) For Mental Illness Stigma Reduction and Mental Health Promotion 應用接受承諾培訓用于降低精神障碍病耻感和促進心理健康培训

The Training Manual “Linking Heats, Building Resilience” is an integral resoruce for our training activities. You may access to the training manual we have published on the Pressbooks Platform of Toronto Metropolitan University. https://pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca/empowerment/. On this platform, you can engage with various prescribed exercise. Additioanlly, a downloadable PDF version of the Training manual is also provided for your convenience.
Component 3: Two full days of train-the-trainers workshops.